Feature 1: RGB Clock Lights

Input : RGB Lightings in Clock feature

Output: When the user starts the game the RGB light function is called and the different lighting can be seen on the clock.

Feature 2: Spinner Function

Input: Click on Button

Output: When the user clicks the spinner button the prefabs Character and shiba starts to spin.

Feature 3: Expand and Contract Function

Input: Click on Button

Output: when the user clicks on the button the objects created start to expand and contract. It only happens once when a button is pressed.

Feature 4: Added Day/Night toggle function

Input: Click on Toggle

Output: When User clicks the toggle button the time changes from day to night and vice versa.


Feature 5: Pulsating effects of the Objects

Input: Click P

Output: The pulsating effect is generated into the objects created when the P is clicked.

Made withUnity